Team Building
Échafaudage Industriel Inc
November 25, 202110 participantsThe industrial scaffolding team inc. was a great success thanks to a team building activity that brought members together and allowed them to have fun while strengthening their team spirit.
It's a feel-good experience. Wowwww to live once in a lifetime
- Authentic Otter
Wow! Thanks
- Energetic Chameleon
I loved this emotional moment! wow thanks 🙏
- Focused Beaver
Very inspiring. Great team building!! We get to know others from another angle.
- Knowledgeable Horse
This Totem is deep and I really appreciated my participation.
- Persistent Ram
A truly rewarding experience! wow!
- Dutiful Chameleon
Woww this is rewarding
- Ambitious Woodpecker
Very nice activity all companies should take this training!! Thanks
- Respectful Camel
Very rewarding but also very difficult.
- Perseverant Beluga
So wow!!!! Our team is perfect! This game is great!
- Energetic Ladybug